A Major Milestone for one Client

I have been working with a couple for some while now with their new venture of opening a small restaurant in my home town of Excideuil. It has been both exciting and a headache for everyone, but one major achievement has been accomplished this week and that was the attainment of their SIRET number (business registration number).  So as from the 1st April 2017, Le Patio Café Excideuil is open for business – follow them on Facebook it has been an interesting journey to get to where they are now.  They have some travelling still to do to get Le Patio completely ready for the general public, but if anyone can do it they can!!  There is a lot of goodwill out there for Maggie and Steve so this is sure to carry them safely the rest of the way.  It has been a journey for me to come in at the beginning and help them take the steps towards achieving their goal and between us we have learned an enormous amount about the French system and how it works – and how it doesn’t!!  One thing for sure though there is always a way and I am never afraid to ask for advice on what I don’t know if it helps a client – we can’t know everything.  As I said there is still some way to go, but with the support of the locals – both French and English – and an amazing team of Artisans around Maggie and Steve, I’m sure Le Patio Café Excideuil will be the success they deserve. So I had better roll my sleeves up for the remainder of the journey ……….